Saturday 21 February 2009

I have been looking back on some of the posts I have written and realised I haven't told you about me becoming a Stampin'up demonstrator. My reason is not to the hard sell and do lots of workshops but to buy lots of stuff at a 20% discount. There is a commitment to sell £250 every 3 months but that shouldn't be too hard to do as I have made up my wish list and it comes to about £750!

Here are a few links if you think you might be interested in the products or becoming a demonstrator. You can send me an e-mail if you have any queries. Home page for the UK On line brochure.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

During the really cold spell we had a few weeks ago, our central heating broke down. It was like watching an episode of House as they tried to diagnose the problem. First it was a something circuit board, next it was a pipe leading from the boiler, then the little blue box in the airing cupboard followed by a visit from an electrician who said it was the thermostat. Each time they thought they had sorted it the boiler had other ideas. Fortunately we have a few electric heaters and a neighbour lent us their calor gas fire. Any way by last Friday they finally sorted it and we thought it would be the last we saw of the gas men.

At the weekend we decided to finish the hallway. Gary decided not to use the holes already drilled from the previous threshold as they were not central so he drilled a couple of new ones followed by the shout "MELISSA. TURN THE GAS OFF"!!!! The photo is showing how clever he is at finding the pipe in an inch of concrete and drilling through it right in the middle!

Friday 13 February 2009

Here is a link to one of my blog friends. She is giving away some blog candy. Without Hazel I wouldn't of found some great sites so if you have time, follow some of her links and you never know where you will end up!

Monday 9 February 2009

I can't believe that it was 21 years ago I became a mum. This weekend we have been celebrating Craig's 21st Birthday. He had a party on Saturday night with a mate who is also 21 but don't ask him to tell you about it as he won't remember. He doesn't remember his dad having to put him to bed!!!

The cake is for both of them. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to make but I was a bit limited on decorating stuff as the cake shop was closed (due to snow) and the local supermarkets had very little choice.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Here we we we go...Play in in in snowwww. Come on, sing along.
Finally we have got a snow day and the schools are closed. Dale and I are very happy and jumping around the living room singing the above song. Craig is not so happy. Today was driving test day. Oh well. He will have to do it after his birthday now. Even hubby is home as his 45 mile commute each way is too dangerous.
We are now off for a family walk to the shops to stock up on chocolate.

Sunday 1 February 2009

No pictures for you today, but thought I would share a conversation I had with Dale.
"Do you want to come shopping with me." (Me).
"Because last time you put your white fleecy gloves on in the street, you stood on your tip toes, grabbed your crutch, made a loud screaming sound whilst punching the air with your gloved hand and shouted 'I'm Michael Jackson'!!!"

Fair enough.