Wednesday 10 June 2015

New chapter in my life

We have finally bought our 'forever home' and are busy integrating into the new community.  I think we will always be known as 'the people who bought Sarah's place'.  Purely to meet people, we force ourselves down to the local pub at least once a week.  The village seems to have lots going on though I did turn down the opportunity to cook for a fund raising lunch.  My baking skills leave a lot to be desired and even following Mary Berry's cooking instructions don't seem to help me make a cake that doesn't resemble pancakes!  (This is a talent I have inherited from my mother.  Unlike my sister who bakes wonderful concoctions).

The garden is quite small but is bursting with plants and birds.  It is costing us a fortune in bird food but we spend hours being entertained by them.  On our first day here, we thought we would take up some loose slabs but had to put them back as there was a frog or toad (don't know which) under each one.

Most of the house is sorted but there are still boxes that need to be unpacked.  Most of my craft stuff is in them and I am getting a little tetchy not having a glue gun close by.  I have had to buy cards for the first time in years.  Hopefully I will be able to start doing some crafty stuff soon including sending out homemade change of address cards.

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